Listing Number: 67671-600953
This upscale cigar lounge serves as a sanctuary for lovers of fine cigars and spirits. They offer a curated selection of over 300 premium cigars, along with an extensive whiskey collection featuring Single Malt Scotch, Blended Scotch, Bourbon, Rye Whiskey, and limited vintages. In addition, the lounge serves seasonal craft cocktails, creating an upscale atmosphere for both cigar connoisseurs and novices. With a spacious interior, a fully stocked humidor, and a stylish bar, the business is a popular destination for enthusiasts seeking relaxation or social gatherings. The lounge also benefits from a prime location and additional revenue streams through membership programs, events, and retail sales of cigars and accessories, providing a turn-key opportunity for new ownership.
Listing Details
- Price: $150,000
- Down Payment: --
- Sellers Discretionary Earnings: $0
- Total Sales: $400,000
- Location: Catawba County, North Carolina
- Inventory: $5,000
- FF&E: $100,000
- Employees:
- Year Established: 2023
- Reason for Selling: Moving
- Category: Cards/Gifts/Books,Liquor Related Biz
Contact Agent:
- Herman Bruno
- Phone: (704) 412-8081
- Email: