Listing Number: 6842-730038
If you're passionate about cars and technology. Why not do something that feeds your passion and your family. For as little as $25,000 down, you could own this is a well established, highly respected business that has a loyal and steady clientele. You provide a service that people don't just want but need. If you already own a shop this a great opportunity to grow your business with positive cashflow and a lot of upside potential.
Just click on the link to request more information. This is your gateway to financial success and personal fulfilment.
This opportunity won't last long.
Listing Details
- Price: € 200,000
- Down Payment: €25,000
- Sellers Discretionary Earnings: € 87,606
- Total Sales: € 486,006
- Location: Orange County, New York
- Inventory: € 5,000
- FF&E: € 35,000
- Employees: 1
- Year Established: 1989
- Reason for Selling: Retiring
- Category: Automotive
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