Listing Number: 3301-679296
This is a well-established online auction house that has been operating successfully for over 20 years. It provides a platform and an open market place to buy and sell a wide range of items such as art works, antique curios, vintage pieces of decorative items, vintage coins, precious stones, jewellery, porcelain, ceramics, metalware and stamps and assorted items that are considered valuable. Estate items are sourced from all over the world and sold online through auctions held every week.
Key Features:
- Items for sale are received on consignment basis and listed for auction, therefore low inventory carrying risk.
- Natural arbitrage as income is in USD but expenses in CAD
- Fully automated AI assisted software drives the auction process - easy and convenient and avilable to anybody anywhere
- Well trained employees, efficeint and streamlined operations
CIM will be made available to qualified buyers.
NOTE - amounts in this listing page are in CAD; the functional currency for the business is USD. 1.4 CAD to USD was used for presentation purposes (rounded).
Listing Details
- Price: € 1,540,000
- Down Payment: --
- Sellers Discretionary Earnings: € 510,262
- Total Sales: € 1,541,000
- Location: Regional Municipality of York, Ontario
- Inventory: € 0
- FF&E: € 0
- Employees: 3
- Year Established: 2011
- Reason for Selling: Exit Strategy
- Category: Internet Related,Art,Antiques