Your Business is worth a Broker

hire a business broker

Your Business is Worth a Broker! As you can see from the US Census map above, North Carolina was one of the top states as a home destination for many people across the country over these last two years. Lower crime and greater safety creates an environment where businesses and communities thrive.   Guidant Financial talked with business owners and found that in 2022 the majority (58.98%)

5 Steps For Selling Your Business

5 Steps To Selling Your Business

  Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.  - Alexander Graham Bell   Being prepared is something of a virtue that most of us have been taught since we were children. Our childhood storybooks were full of fables that praised preparation and exposed the folly of procrastination. As we grew into adulthood, however, we learned all too hard that those childish ta

A Confidential Information Memorandum

Confidential Information Memorandum

A Confidential Information Memorandum   A Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) is a marketing piece designed to help business owners when they are ready to sell their business.   A Confidential Information Memorandum helps buyers understand the following aspects when they are considering the purchase of a business.     General Business Overview Real Estate /

3 Reasons Why Some Businesses Never Sell


3 Reasons Why Some Businesses Never Sell   According to the largest business sales network in the US, “Only 30% of listed businesses will actually get sold.” Practically speaking, this means that out of today’s 45,000 US-listed businesses, only 13,500 will actually end with business owners being paid and ownership being transferred to a new owner.* What makes the whopping

Why You Need An Exit Plan - How to Protect Your Blind Side

exit strategy

Written By: Mike Hall One of the most beloved sports-related movies of recent years is the movie The Blind Side. The movie tells the story of Michael Oher, a homeless kid in Memphis, who gets adopted by a wealthy family and goes on to become one of the best offensive tackles in the NFL. Fascinatingly, the movie begins with the story of Joe Theisman’s famous injury at the hands of huge line

Business Valuations: Understanding The Art & Science

Business Valuations: Understanding The Art & Science

Business Valuations: Understanding The Art & Science  In his best-selling book, Outliers, author Malcom Gladwell details hours of interviews and research on what it takes to master complex skills and processes. According to Gladwell’s research, it requires 10,000 hours of practice and application to acquire the skills that set one apart as a proficient. While it may not require exa

Facts About Selling a Business

selling a business

  Facts About Selling a Business   Selling a business can be a very long and challenging process. Most business owners aren’t equipped to handle the demands and expectations of listing, negotiating, and closing a business sale. This is compounded even more when you consider the fact that the national average of businesses actually selling is around 30% according to a study cited

Silver Tsunami & Baby Boomer Business Exits

Silver Tsunami & Baby Boomer Business Exits

Silver Tsunami & Baby Boomer Business Exits We have all heard the old adage that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. While that saying is beyond question there is another certainty that often gets overlooked by many business owners. This other certainty states that if you don’t plan your business exit, life circumstances will be happy to plan one for you. We are witnessing

Business Brokers

Choosing A Business Broker

Choosing A Business Broker Finding a professional business broker can be harder than one might imagine. My husband and I were once in the market to buy a business in the Raleigh market and thus began our painful experience of business brokers not answering their phones, getting information 4-6 weeks late, getting the incorrect financials and receiving little to no information from business broker

Business broker North Carolina

Business Broker In North Carolina

Business Brokers In North Carolina For more than 40 years Transworld Business Advisors had been helping business owners sell their businesses. With four decades of experience, Transworld has become the top-rated and largest business brokerage firm in the world with offices in 18 different countries. Whether you are selling a large business or small, our business brokers will help you determine a

Business Brokers In Raleigh, NC

Business Broker Raleigh NC

Business Brokers In Raleigh, NC There are a lot of business brokers in Raleigh, NC. How does a business owner choose the right business broker for their industry or business size? Transworld Business Advisors has over 40 years of experience and has been voted by IBISWorld as the #1 business broker.   Receiving this prestigious award from IBISWorld was an amazing accomplishment and our t

Business Broker Near Me

Business Broker Near Me Raleigh

Business Broker Near Me? Is searching for a business broker near me the best approach to finding a quality business broker? For most business owners, finding a business broker is a new experience, and finding the one closest to you may not be the highest deciding factor with selection. Find A Quality Business Broker Not all business brokers are created equally in terms of the quality representa

Finding A Business Broker

Business Broker

Business Broker Success Our clients ask us how our team has become so successful and our answer is always underwhelming. 1. We treat people with respect and dignity. 2. We are truth-tellers. 3. We work hard for our clients. When you see the results that we have had you want to believe that we must have some special secret that separates us from the other business brokers. I do feel that being

Selling Your Restaurant Business

Selling Your Restaurant Business

Selling Your Restaurant Business We recently sold the Great Harvest Bread Company in Cary, NC. The owners of this business (husband & wife team) both worked in the business and they had built an amazing business that was very profitable.  Selling a restaurant can be one of the most difficult of all business sales and COVID hasn't made restaurant sales any easier. Fortunately, this business

Selling Your Accounting Practice

Selling Your Accounting Practice

Selling Your Accounting Practice We recently sold one of Raleigh's oldest (35 years) and largest accounting firms. The owner of this firm said that she had always wanted to own her own business and provide the best professional services to her clients and for 35 years she and her team did this exceptionally well! Finding the buyer for this business sale was pretty easy although the deal structur

Selling A Construction Business

selling a business

Selling A Construction Business Our team recently sold a large and well-known Raleigh construction business. With over 10,000 completed jobs in the Raleigh market and one of the best reputations in the industry, this business attacked buyers from across the country. We actually went to market and closed on this business within four months. It was a fast sell for the following reasons: Great B

Selling Your Raleigh Business

Selling Your Raleigh Business

So you are considering selling your Raleigh business? Selling your Raleigh business is a huge decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Many consider selling or buying a house as the largest financial decision that people must make but actually selling your business in much larger. The key priority is selling one's business for the highest profit. Selling Your Raleigh Business? Bu

Sell Your Raleigh Business?

Sell Your Raleigh Business?

Best Time To Sell Your Raleigh Business?   There is an old adage that most everyone in business has heard, “Buy low, sell high.” This reason this quote has been around for centuries is because it’s true. This adage is especially true if you are considering selling your Raleigh business. The Impact Of The U.S. Economy Most everyone remembers 2008 and the recession. Jobs w

Selling Your Senior Care Business

Selling A Senior Care Business

Selling Your Senior Care Business We recently sold a senior care business in Wake County and we were elated to match a perfect buyer with the perfect seller. Both the buyer and the seller are incredible people and the sales process proved this out as they both navigated the nuances in ways that showed preference to others in many ways. This established and profitable senior care business was one

Selling Your Service Business?

selling a business

Are You Considering The Sell Of Your Business? We recently sold a service business in the Raleigh market. This info sheet may provide you with a few high-level details on this business.   While the flyer doesn't tell the entire story, it provides a glimpse of a highly profitable business that sold in a very short time. This particular business is a franchise so all the usual franchise ap

Selling Your Pool Business?

selling a business

Are You Considering Selling Your Pool Business? We recently sold a 45-year-old North Carolina pool business. This pool business is part of the exclusive pool guild of international pool builders which basically means that it is considered one of the top 100 pool builders in the world.   COVID really provided some exceptional challenges to the sale of this pool business for several reason

Selling A Business & Tax Implications

selling a business

Tax Aspects of Selling Your Business     The following article written by Heather Huston of BizFilings Is one of the most well-written and robust articles that I have read. Heather's expert analysis and carefully constructed article gathers' timely information for those selling a business as well as other professionals in this field. Great work Heather!!!When you sell your business

New Business Owner at 68

New Business Owner at 68

Chef Alan Lichtenstein of The Little Hen is a first-time restaurant owner — at age 68 by Michael Klein, Posted: May 14, 2021 - Original article here on The Inquirer   At 68, an age when knees, shoulders, and fingers don’t bend quite as they used to amid the demands of a bustling kitchen, here comes chef Alan Lichtenstein, opening his first restaurant. var jscVer

Thinking Of Selling A Business?

selling a business

7 Tax Strategies to Consider When Selling a Business Barbara Weltman is an attorney, author and professional advocate of small businesses. Recently the SBA ask Barbara to help craft the following article to assist business owners. The article that you are about to read is wonderfully crafted and the content is superb. The SBA provides amazing helps like this article and much more to business

Before Selling a Business, Consider The Tax Implications

selling a business

Before Selling a Business, Consider The Tax Implications If you are not following Quarterly and reading their article you should. The following article is just a sample of the incredible content that they are providing to their readers. With most tax rates at historic lows, owners of middle-market companies thinking of selling their business could save significant tax liabilities. However, 2

Selling A Business & Capital Gains

selling a business

How are Capital Gains Handled in the Sale of a Business?   ••• Table of Contents What are Capital Gains - and Losses? How Capital Gains Tax Works  Selling Business Assets in Business Sale Selling a Corporation or Partnership What to Do Before You Sell Your Business   JEAN MURRAY   wrote an

Leading Business Brokerage Firm In Raleigh

Business Broker Near Me Raleigh

Business Brokers Raleigh NC Tina and Steve Wright moved to Raleigh in 1998 and are proud to call Raleigh home. Having raised their three children here in Raleigh they like to say that there is no place on earth like Raleigh. After moving to the Apex area a few years ago, Tina and Steve found a void for credible and professional representation for business owners seeking to exit their business. T

Selling A Business: Tax Implications

selling a business

  Selling a Business: Tax Implications Inc. recently published an article that I want to share with you concerning the tax implications of selling a business.   Tax season is in full swing and it's time to take another look at the tax implications of selling a small business. As a seller, you are required to pay tax on the gains earned from the sale of your company. But if you ha

Time To Sell Your Business

time to sell your business

Time To Sell Your Business? Arguably, there is never a wrong time to sell your business. There will always be interested buyers – the only caveat is the selling price, depending on the market and the health of your business. However, you may be in a position where you would like to sell sooner rather than later. Here are six signs that it’s time to sell your business. Are you

Reasons for Selling a Business

sell a business

Reasons for Selling a Business? Transworld Business Advisors is the market leader and the largest business brokerage in the world. We specialize in selling businesses of all kinds and with over 40 years of experience, and as a certified exit planning advisor, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you sell yours! Reasons for Selling a Business Retirement The most common reason for selling

Steps To Selling A Business

steps to selling a business

Steps To Selling A Business When I tell people what I do, most have never heard of a business broker. And I'll explain the profession as a 'realtor for businesses.' Which usually gets me a  slight nod of understanding. But it's still not enough. Small business sales represent a large part of our local economies.  Thousands of businesses are sold across the United States each year for to

Selling A Small Business

selling a business

Almost every business owner ponders at some time: what is my business worth? Maybe it is in preparation to sell the business, raise capital, or just because you are curious. And you may think the formula and the answer are fairly simple, but unfortunately, that Is not always the case.  Depending on the purpose of the valuation, businesses are valued in different ways. These different me

Selling Your Commercial Real Estate And Business

Selling Your Commercial Real Estate And Business

Selling Your Commercial Real Estate And Business We recently sold a large commercial real estate property and business. Due to unforeseen life events, the seller needed to sell this business and real estate within a pretty tight time frame. After touring the real estate and assessing the hurdles that might prevent a quick sale, we went to work marketing and locating the perfect buyer for this bus

A Good Time To Sell Your Business?

sell a business

When Should You Think About Selling Your Small Business? There are many reasons why small companies are put up for sale.  Some of the more common reasons can actually have little to do with the company’s general performance.  For example, many small business owners discover that they need to sell for health reasons or personal concerns, such as divorce or partnership issue

7 Considerations To Selling My Business

selling my business

I grew up on Lake Lanier in Gainesville, Ga. We were always on the water skiing, fishing or just riding around with friends. It seemed like we’d always have boating troubles to which my dad would proclaim, “The two best days of having a boat is when you buy it and when you sell it.”    Owning a business can be thought of the same way, “I am happy when I started

Small-business owners brace for possible tax hikes under Biden

Small-business owners brace for possible tax hikes under Biden

It seems that everyone is mindful of Biden's Newly Released Tax Initiatives Lynnley Browning Great article written by Lynnley Browning of Accounting Today! Small-business owners still navigating the tax benefits of the COVID rescue packages are bracing for an emerging challenge: tax hikes once the pandemic ends. A potential increase in business and individual rates is “the biggest issue t

Selling A Business Post COVID

Business Broker Near Me Raleigh

Selling your Business Post COVID-19?   This incredible and unique situation may have you wondering if you should wait another year or 2 to sell your business, not necessarily. If you are concerned with what 2020 has done to your P&L and Balance Sheet, your concerns are valid. However, what happens after will determine if your bu

Selling A Business Raleigh North Carolina

Business Broker Eastern North Carolina

How To Sell Your Raleigh Business Selling a business is nuanced and difficult. This is why the majority of business owners use the professional services of a firm like mine. My husband and I learned first hand of the difficulties associated with selling a business when my mother-in-law prepared to sell her thriving florist. After forty years of loving her work, her customers and her community it

Returning To Work Post COVID: Business Owners Confidence

Returning To Work Post COVID: Business Owners Confidence

About the survey PwC surveyed 305 US CFOs and finance leaders between April 20 to 22, 2020. 89% of the respondents were from public and private companies in these top five sectors: consumer markets (14%), financial services (20%), health industries (12%), industrial products (23%), and technology, media and telecommunications (20%). Fifty-seven respondents are from Fortune 1000 companies. The PwC

Businesses For Sale In Raleigh NC

Businesses For Sale In Raleigh NC

Buying A Raleigh Business? If you have always wanted to own your own business, there may be no better time than the present. The Raleigh business sales market is strong and there are many Raleigh business opportunities across a variety of industries. People are being furloughed and laid off at an alarming rate during this pandemic. What people assumed was the safest bet (being an employee) isn't

North Carolina Business Brokers

North Carolina Business Brokers

Transworld Business Advisors is the largest business brokerage in North Carolina and around the world. In North Carolina, we have offices in Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington, Greenboro, Ashville and Greenville.  North Carolina Business Brokers  Transworld Business Advisors recently celebrated our 40th year anniversary. We have offices now in 16 countries and over 500 business brokers i

Best Business Brokers In Raleigh NC

Best Business Brokers In Raleigh NC

I'd love for you to take a minute or two and see why we'd LOVE to help you sell your Raleigh business or find a business to buy. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh represents Raleigh's largest and most profitable businesses as well as many small business clients.  Best Business Broker Practices The best business brokers follow a proven system of selling a business. If you have

7 Pivots That Business Owners Need To Make

7 Pivots That Business Owners Need To Make

7 Pivots That Business Owners Need To Make   1. Empathy Over Competency – We all like being the answer guy and some leaders need this affirmation scratched more than others. Learn to say things like, “I’ve never thought of it that way before,” “That is a great point,” or “That’s a great way of expressing that.” No one has EVER been where

North Carolina Coronavirus Cases

North Carolina Coronavirus Cases

Where are the coronavirus cases in North Carolina?   The CDC has awarded $13.8 million to the state of North Carolina to fight the coronavirus. This grant comes as an initial response to fight the coronavirus pandemic.  With local offices in Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Greenville, Raleigh, and Wilmington there is no one speaking to small business owners ab

7 Marketing Lessons That Businesses Should Learn From The Church

7 Marketing Lessons That Businesses Should Learn From The Church

Church Steeples And Your Business? Have you ever wonder why churches once built huge, ornate steeples? Everyone knows that there is no practical purpose for a church steeple. Steeples aren't used for storage, not used for a scenic view for the pastoral office nor is it a place to tuck away smelly middle schoolers. Before Google or GPS's architects designed and built tall stee

7 Keys To Driving More Customers To Your Business in 2020

7 Keys To Driving More Customers To Your Business in 2020

No one ever complains about having too many customers or quality leads. Business owners in 2020 struggle with the ever-shifting marketing culture of the internet age. The simple truth of the matter for profitable businesses is being on the first page of Google and better yet, being ranked in the top three. Over 60% of people searching for your product or services will go to one of the top three l

Raleigh #2 In The World For Quality Of Life

Raleigh #2 In The World For Quality Of Life

  Interesting Raleigh Rankings North Carolina is Ranked #1 for the third consecutive year as the best state for business. Raleigh is now ranked the #2 city in the world for "Quality of Life." NC's December 2019 Unemployment Rate was 3.7%, decreasing 0.1pts from the previous month and unchanged from December 2018. Raleigh is Ranked #1 in a recent study as the fasted growing metro-area

Avoiding The Business "Death Rattle"

Avoiding The Business "Death Rattle"

Book Review & Recommendation   Predictable Success by Les McKeown   Many business owners get lost in the weeds of daily production and putting out fires. The primary job of viewing their business from 30,000 feet can be moved down the priority list.   In Les McKeown's book, Predictable Success, Les illustrates a typical business life cycle from start-up t



    THE LIFE CYCLE OF YOUR BUSINESS   What is the Sigmoid Curve and why should you care? If you are a business owner, you are the only person in your organization that has a thumb on the pulse of your business's life cycle. The Sigmoid Curve is a model for consistent business growth.    



    THE LIFE CYCLE OF YOUR BUSINESS    What is the Sigmoid Curve and why should you care? If you are a business owner, you are the only person in your organization that has a thumb on the pulse of your business's life cycle. The Sigmoid Curve is a model for consistent business growth.

Raleigh Number 1 For Growth

Raleigh Number 1 For Growth

Raleigh Ranked The Fasted Growing City In The US According to U-Haul Raleigh-Durham is the fastest-growing metro area in the US. U-haul says, "The Raleigh-Durham corridor registers as the top Growth City in America last year, according to U-Haul data analyzing U.S. migration trends for 2019 in a recent online article. How did they calculate and support their research? "U-Haul Growth Cities are

Best Age To Start A Business May be MUCH Older Than You Think According To A Study Of 2.7 Million Founders

Best Age To Start A Business May be MUCH Older Than You Think According To A Study Of 2.7 Million Founders

When is the best age to start a business? Did you like multiple-choice tests when you were in school? Let's see if you can get this one correct. What age person is most likely to succeed as a founder of a business? A) A person in their 20's B) A person in their 30's C) A person in their 40's D) A person in their 50's E) A person in their 60's If you are like most people you might choose A,

Bizbuysell Q2 2019 Days On Market by Deal Size

Bizbuysell Q2 2019 Days On Market by Deal Size

While the median sale price for the businesses sold on BizBuySell in Q2 hit $270,000, 13% of those businesses closed for higher than $1 million. Owners of those businesses experienced a longer sales process (around 200 days) but were rewarded with a final sale price closer to asking. In fact, businesses over $1 million sold for roughly 98% of asking price, a much higher number than the 91% average

Q2 2019 Small Business Values

Q2 2019 Small Business Values

According to, "In more good news for small business owners, businesses sold in the second quarter of 2019 closed for a record-high median sale price of $270,000. This represents a significant 13% jump from the same time last year and is a nice bump from the first quarter of the year, when the median sale price stood at $225,000. The rising sale price is a direct result of improving

Bizbuysell Q2 2019 Top Performing Markets by Sales

Bizbuysell Q2 2019 Top Performing Markets by Sales

At the local level, Baltimore led all markets in Q2 growth (minimum 25 transactions), more than doubling the number of sales reported compared to the same time last year. Other areas that experienced an increased number of transactions include Portland (up 71%), Seattle (up 35%), Austin (up 32%) and Dallas (up 31%). Tampa transactions decreased the most among qualifying markets, declining 34% yea

Bizbuysell Q2 2019 Industry Breakdown

Bizbuysell Q2 2019 Industry Breakdown

Bizbuysell reports that "Breaking the data down by industry, the service sector appears to be driving the national increase in sale prices. Service-oriented businesses had a 17% increase in revenue this quarter, allowing owners to sell their business for 22% more than the same time last year. Interestingly, retail businesses saw a similar 20% revenue increase, but it only translated to a 5% growt

Raleigh Business Valuations Are An Art, Not A Science

Raleigh Business Valuations Are An Art, Not A Science

Business valuation experts Andy and Jessica talk about the worth of a small business from the buyer's and seller's perspectives. Business valuation is an art and it can be approached through different methods, highlighting the assets, the earnings, or the market. As a buyer or a seller, you need to educate yourself about business worth, to understand how it operates under different variables, keep

Raliegh Business Valuation Rules of Thumb

Raliegh Business Valuation Rules of Thumb

Andrew and Jessica have talked on previous episodes about valuation; one of the methodologies is the market method which compares past sales, multiples of earnings and percentage of sales to the sales price. It is one of the most reliable approaches for valuation and what eventually comes out of these data points are rules of thumb. These rules of thumb are backed up by statistical analysis of dea

Increase the Value of Your Raleigh Business For Sale

Increase the Value of Your Raleigh Business For Sale

Andrew and Jessica, along with two amazing guests, Kerry Cole, Executive director of Becca Cosmetics, and Corey Saban, founder of, are presenting inexpensive and even no-cost strategies to grow your following in social media and make your business grow and even increase its value. Social media is a great tool to connect with customers, keep the engagement with them and really promote

12 Fatal Mistakes While Selling Your Raleigh Business

12 Fatal Mistakes While Selling Your Raleigh Business

There are different experiences that sellers have when selling their business; Jessica and Andrew have seen 12 serious mistakes that can be made in this process and they address how to prevent them. Selling a business is not easy and having a great team, including a lawyer, an accountant, and a great intermediary are vital to assure a successful deal. There is a lot that great entrepreneurs don't

Selling A Raleigh Business With Real Estate?

Selling A Raleigh Business With Real Estate?

If you are looking to purchase a business where real estate plays a major component in the acquisition, this episode brings lots of valuable information. Andrew and Jessica bring John Wahl, a lending expert from Live Oak Bank, who talks about financing real estate as part of the business acquisition; also John Devries explains the cases of businesses that rely upon the real estate such as storage

Raleigh Veteran Owned Businesses Part 2

Raleigh Veteran Owned Businesses Part 2

The Deal Board podcast is hosted by Andrew Cagnetta, CEO of Transworld Business Advisors, and Jessica Fialkovich, President of Transworld Business Advisors Rocky Mountain. Transworld Business Advisors is the top business brokerage firm as well as an international franchisor through its partnership with United Franchise Group. Veterans' owned businesses are a huge contribution to the economy. Vete

Raleigh Veteran Owned Businesses

Raleigh Veteran Owned Businesses

The Deal Board podcast is hosted by Andrew Cagnetta, CEO of Transworld Business Advisors, and Jessica Fialkovich, President of Transworld Business Advisors Rocky Mountain. Transworld Business Advisors is the top business brokerage firm as well as an international franchisor through its partnership with United Franchise Group. Veterans' owned businesses are a huge contribution to the economy. Vete

Business Broker Fayetteville NC

Business Broker Fayetteville NC

Business Broker In Fayetteville, NC Are you looking to sell your Fayetteville, NC business or are you looking to buy a business in the Fayetteville area? One of the first steps you will want to take is contacting a Fayetteville business broker. Fayetteville, NC, located in Cumberland County is the fifth-largest city in North Carolina and its metropolitan area is ranked as North Carolina&rsquo

How Can I Sell My Raleigh Business?

How Can I Sell My Raleigh Business?

If you currently own a business in the Raleigh or the Wake County area and you’re asking yourself, how can I sell my business in Raleigh? We can help! Business Brokers at Transworld Business Advisors service the entire state of NC helping business owners sell their businesses every day. After selling thousands of businesses in the Raleigh, NC area our firm has noticed buyer patterns

Jeep Patent Firm Retains Transworld Business Advisors Of Raleigh As Business Brokers

Jeep Patent Firm Retains Transworld Business Advisors Of Raleigh As Business Brokers

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Steve Wright has announced that Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, has been retained by North Carolina Patent Firm to represent their  Jeep patent sale. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh has assisted with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetting of qualified buyers as well as representing the seller in sale

Transworld Business Advisors Retained By Business Suite Business

Transworld Business Advisors Retained By Business Suite Business

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Steve Wright has announced that Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, has been retained by a Raleigh Business Suite company. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh has assisted with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetting of qualified buyers as well as representing the seller in sale negotiations.   Business Sale F

12 Steps To Selling Your Business

12 Steps To Selling Your Business

The 12 Steps To Selling Your Business Selling a business is much different than selling one's house. There are 12 basic steps that are taken to successfully complete the divestiture of one's business. Step 1 To Selling Your Business Client Interview – Unfortunately, not every business is salable. New Competition, lost revenues and profits, bad books and a plethora of other reasons keep

Companies That Sell Businesses

Companies That Sell Businesses

Companies That Sell Businesses When people perform a Google search for companies that sell businesses they are typically searching for business brokers. Many of these are looking for information about the process of buying and selling a business, business valuation or advice on selling a business. More often than not, those searching are relieved to find out that there are companies that se

Raleigh Business Valuation | Transworld Business Advisors Of Raleigh

Raleigh Business Valuation | Transworld Business Advisors Of Raleigh

Raleigh Business Valuation   Q: I want to buy an existing hardware store. The owner said to make him an offer, but I'm not sure of the best way to determine the worth of the business. If you found the perfect business in the perfect location, would you have any idea of the business value?   A: There is a multitude of approaches to value a business. There's no "correct approac

Transworld Business Advisors Has Been Retained By A Raleigh, NC Accounting Firm

Transworld Business Advisors Has Been Retained By A Raleigh, NC Accounting Firm

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, has been retained by a Raleigh, NC accounting firm to represent their business sale. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh has assisted with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetted qualified buyers as well as represented the seller in sale negotiations. Business Sale Facts: &midd

Business Valuation Raleigh NC

Business Valuation Raleigh NC

Business Valuation Raleigh NC Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh understands the business valuation process specifically as it relates to the Raleigh market. Last year alone, Transworld Business Advisors helped nearly 2,000 business owners exit their businesses and one of the first steps is an accurate business valuation. How Much Is My Raleigh Business Worth? A great question isn't it?

Business Broker Raleigh, NC - When Selling Your Business

Business Broker Raleigh, NC - When Selling Your Business

Business Broker Raleigh, NC - When Selling Your Business! Selling your business is a serious decision and one that shouldn't be taken lightly. Owners of many of the largest and successful Raleigh businesses trust Transworld Business Advisors to confidently sell their businesses because of our years of experience. Transworld has become the gold standard of the business brokerage world over the las

Raleigh Ranked 3rd Best City To Start A Business

Raleigh Ranked 3rd Best City To Start A Business

Raleigh continues to rake in rave reviews from many economists and national magazine reviewers. These reviews point to the fact that Raleigh has maintained a robust economy through economic development, focused education priorities, and livable wages. The confluence of these three factors is mentioned many times among people relocating to Raleigh to live. Business brokers in Raleigh have long kno

Raleigh Business Brokers - Number To Know

Raleigh Business Brokers - Number To Know

For years we have been hearing that Baby Boomers are retiring and that they will be selling their business. Approximately 12,000,000 small businesses are owned by Baby Boomers. Retirement, health and no family members wanting to run the family business means only one thing. Baby Boomer will need to choose between closing the doors or selling their businesses. Make sure that you have an accurate b

Successful Sale of Salon In Downtown Apex by Transworld Business Advisors Of Raleigh

Successful Sale of Salon In Downtown Apex by Transworld Business Advisors Of Raleigh

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Steve Wright of Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, is excited to announce the successful sale of a downtown Apex Hair Salon. For years this downtown salon served its community with great attention to detail and great customer satisfaction. Business Sale Facts:      The business served downtown Apex for years.      Th

Innovative Cooler Patent Firm Retains Transworld Business Advisors Of Raleigh As Business Brokers

Innovative Cooler Patent Firm Retains Transworld Business Advisors Of Raleigh As Business Brokers

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Steve Wright has announced that Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, has been retained by North Carolina Patent Firm to represent their business and patent sale. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh has assisted with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetting of qualified buyers as well as representing the seller in sa

Raleigh Business Brokers Google Reviews

Raleigh Business Brokers Google Reviews

Raleigh Business Brokers And Google Reviews Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh is a local business brokerage that specializes in helping business owners sell their business for top dollar. There are many reputable business brokers in Raleigh and Transworld is excited to offer their services as well. Today, Transworld has $3.5 billion dollars in active listing inventory with business brokers

Business Broker In Raleigh Tina Wright

Business Broker In Raleigh Tina Wright

Tina Wright Business Broker In Raleigh Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s a mans world?” Business broker, Tina Wright must not have been taught that phrase as a young girl. As one of the top business brokers in Raleigh, Tina has built an exemplary company as the owner of Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh. If you look around you will find that business brokers are pr

Transworld Business Advisors Sells Iconic Raleigh Tutoring Business

Transworld Business Advisors Sells Iconic Raleigh Tutoring Business

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Transworld Business Brokers is excited to announce the successful sell of an iconic, Raleigh tutoring business. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh helped assist with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetted qualified buyers as well as represent the seller in sale negotiations. Business Sale Facts: ·     

Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh Retained by Exemplary Raleigh Bakery

Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh Retained by Exemplary Raleigh Bakery

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers Announcement: Steve Wright has announced that Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, has been retained by one of Raleigh’s most recognizable and successful bakeries for the sale of their business. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh has assisted the business owners with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetted qua

Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh Retained by Raleigh Business Condo Business

Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh Retained by Raleigh Business Condo Business

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Steve Wright has announced that Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, has been retained by NC business condo business to represent their business sale. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh has assisted with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetted qualified buyers as well as represent the seller in sale negotiations.

Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers Retained By One Of Raleighs Most Profitable Restaurants

Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers Retained By One Of Raleighs Most Profitable Restaurants

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Steve Wright has announced that Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, has been retained by one of Raleigh’s most profitable and popular restaurants for the sale of their business. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh has assisted the business owners with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetted qualified buyers a

Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh Retained by NC's Largest Pool Installation Firm

Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh Retained by NC's Largest Pool Installation Firm

Raleigh, NC Business Brokers: Steve Wright has announced that Transworld Business Advisors, Business Brokers, has been retained by NC's largest pool installation company to represent their business sale. Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh has assisted with business valuation and appraisal, confidential business marketing, vetted qualified buyers as well as represent the seller in sale neg

The 5 C's of Recruiting An All-Star Team

The 5 C's of Recruiting An All-Star Team

In 1911, British explorer, Ernest Shackleton departed to become the first to navigate and reach the South Pole. Legend has it that Shackelton placed the following advertisement in a local paper to recruit his team, “Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, and safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of succe

Software Business Sold In Raleigh, North Carolina

Software Business Sold In Raleigh, North Carolina

Transworld Business Advisors is pleased to announce the sale of one of Raleigh’s oldest and most recognizable software companies. This business was listed mid-March and the final closing was on April 29th. “Transworld’s national and global marketing allows us to attract buyers from around the world. The buyer of this software business lives in Connecticut and their skill set

Selling Baby Boomer Businesses

Selling Baby Boomer Businesses

Selling Baby Boomer Businesses by Steve Wright Ph.d Baby Boomer business owners comprise over 50% of all businesses owned in the US. The first wave of Baby Boomers is now entering their 70’s (age), moving the sale of their businesses to a front-burner conversation.   Baby Boomers (1944-1964) are the wealthiest living generation representing 77.3 million or 25% of the U.S. populatio

Preparing For A Buyer/Seller Meeting

Preparing For A Buyer/Seller Meeting

Preparing For A Buyer/Seller Meeting by Steve Wright Ph.d So, you are thinking about buying a business? Did you know that over the next 15-20 years that an estimated 15 trillion dollars of business assets will be transferred through business sells? The primary driver of the business transfer tsunami is the aging and retiring of baby boomers. There are approximately 12 million baby boomers th

505 Raleigh Business Buyers Since January 1, 2019

505 Raleigh Business Buyers Since January 1, 2019

505 business buyers have contacted our Transworld Business Advisor Raleigh office since January 1st of this year. This is a significant number, especially if you are a business owner located in Wake County. Vetting Raleigh Business Buyers When a business buyer contacts our Raleigh office concerning our current listings, they are required to fill out two forms: A Confidentiality Form and a Buy

Selling My Business: 3 Things I Wish I Knew

Selling My Business: 3 Things I Wish I Knew

Selling My Business: 3 Things I Wish I Knew by Steve Wright Ph.d Every day we meet with business owners thinking about selling their business. After years of sacrifice, personal investment, and long hours they have made the decision to exit their business. Selling a business is both an economic and an emotional decision. One owner that we are working with has owned his local business for fifty-

How To Buy A Business: Free eBook

How To Buy A Business: Free eBook

How To Buy A Business by Steve Wright, Ph.d Introduction: When I was a small child my grandmother used to say, “As plain as the nose on your face.” My grandmother was a great communicator because she made nuance and detailed processing seem simple. If you have never purchased a business or if you need a refresher, this eBook is written for you. Steps To Buying A Business 1. Buildi

1 In 5 Business Owners Will Consider Selling Their Business This year

1 In 5 Business Owners Will Consider Selling Their Business This year

There are many reasons that a business owner might wish to sell their business: Retirement Poor Health Burn Out Boredom Other Business Interest   Steps To Selling A Business Selling a business can be difficult and nuanced. Getting a correct valuation, confidential marketing, vetting buyers, negotiations, due diligence (attorneys, accountants and landlords) and

Raleigh Business Broker

Raleigh Business Broker

Raleigh Business Broker So you are thinking about selling your business?  Your Raleigh business broker will be walking you through the following steps of confidentially selling your business. ·      Valuation ·      Confidential Marketing ·      Buyer/Seller Meeting ·   &

Finding A Business Broker

Finding A Business Broker

Finding A Business Broker Experts estimate that over $10 trillion dollars of business transfers will take place by 2030 in the US. Business owners decide to sell their businesses for various reasons: health, retirement, burnout, boredom, family issues, and the list goes on. One of the first steps business owners take is finding and securing a trusted business broker to assist them with the confi

When Should I Sell My Business?

When Should I Sell My Business?

Do you remember the amazing business books, Good To Great, Built To Last and In Search Of Excellence? These books used terms like “great, enduring and excellence” to describe their amazing featured businesses. Jim Collins, the author of Good to Great has a new book called, “How The Mighty Fall.” Maybe you have read it. Here are just a few of the featured, great books. 1.&

Raleigh's Best Performing City Ranking?

Raleigh's Best Performing City Ranking?

The Milken Institute’s Best-Performing Cities U.S. ranking index measures American metro areas based on innovation and opportunities for prosperity across the US. Wage gains, jobs growth and technological developments all contribute to each metropolitan area's economic performance. Where did Raleigh end up in this 2018 BPC Index Ranking? Raleigh fell four spots from it's 2017 BPC Index R

Five Traits of Raleigh Business Owners

Five Traits of Raleigh Business Owners

Five Traits of Raleigh Business Owners Very few people meet with the number of small, medium and large business owners as we do. On average we meet with 3-5 business owners in the Raleigh business market each day and over time you can imagine how this number adds up. Raleigh business owners are a robust and venerable group. While each has their own unique story, the traits they share are rich an

Raleigh's #1 Franchise Opportunity

Raleigh's #1 Franchise Opportunity

The Experimac BOOM! The Experimac brand was launched in November 2014 and already has 51 locations OPEN in the United States, as well as a pilot store in Sydney, Australia. There are 52 additional stores in various stages of development at this point in time.  "We are ecstatic about the growth of this brand," said Jim Muir, founder of the Ex

Should I Sell My Business?

Should I Sell My Business?

Should I Sell My Business? by Steve Wright Ph.D with Transworld Business Advisors Should I sell my business? A great question isn’t it? Should I sell my business is a great question that only a seasoned business owner can fully understand. Every business has a story, a beginning, middle and an ending. Honest business owners will tell you that these stories are full of tribulation, sweat e

M&A Forecasts 2019 by Steve Wright Ph.D

M&A Forecasts 2019 by Steve Wright Ph.D

M&A Forecasts 2019 by Steve Wright Ph.D. of Transworld Business Advisors of Raleigh, NC - January 1, 2019 Everyone wishes that they had a crystal ball heading into an uncertain 2019 business cycle. While 2017 and 2018 seemed secured with a strong economic tailwind, 2019 is less predictable for several reasons. As thriving businesses and savvy corporate executives seek to gain margins and conti

Transworld Business Advisors Is Hiring

Transworld Business Advisors Is Hiring

Are you looking for a final career that provides unlimited earning potential, a flexible lifestyle and the support and resources of a large-scale company?   Transworld Business Advisors is a worldwide organization with offices located in 18 countries with 3.5 billion dollars in active listing inventory. TBA is excited about bringing our global experience to the Raleigh market. As a Bus

Raleigh Restaurant Owners On Fayetteville Street Share Concerns

Raleigh Restaurant Owners On Fayetteville Street Share Concerns

Wahlburgers is closing their downtown Raleigh location after just seven months of operation. The franchise started in 2011 and the Raleigh location seemed to be a no-brainer for their gourmet burgers. The Wake County Sherriff's office placed a "Do Not Enter" sign on their front door this past Friday.  Nine months ago Mark Wahlberg shared his excitement about his burger joint coming to Raleig

Best Time To Sell A Business

Best Time To Sell A Business

Best Time To Sell A Business Selling a business can be one of life’s most challenging decisions. So much sweat equity has gone into building your business and there are often times, strong emotional attachment. Many times people (non-business owners) will compare a business sale to that of selling a home. They are nothing alike and those who seem to think they are alike are simply misinfor

Supporting Local Raleigh Businesses For Christmas

Supporting Local Raleigh Businesses For Christmas

Supporting Local Raleigh Businesses For Christmas by Steve Wright Ph.D I have a confession to make. I watch Hallmark movies with my wife and I actually like them. Okay, I actually said it although I will not let my wife know because that is part of the game we play. Tina insisting that she needs to watch a Hallmark movie and me begrudgingly acting indifferent;) Why do I like Hallmark movies

Most Entrepreneurs Never Start A Business - Steve Wright Ph.D

Most Entrepreneurs Never Start A Business - Steve Wright Ph.D

Most Entrepreneurs Never Start A Business, Here’s Why… Steve Wright Ph.D The historical badge of distinction of America is DNA of entrepreneurial spirit. Make no mistake about it; American entrepreneurialism didn’t emerge with the age of the Internet or even the 20th Century for that matter. The foundation, the fabric, the backbone of American entrepreneurialism has been around

Raleigh A Top Ranked Women-Owned Business Destination

Raleigh A Top Ranked Women-Owned Business Destination

Raleigh A Top Ranked Women-Owned Business Destination There are 11.6 million women-owned businesses, employing nearly 9 million people and generating more than $1.7 trillion in revenue in the United States. In the last 20 years, female-owned businesses in the US has more than doubled. Specifically, the number of female-owned businesses has risen from 21,996 in 2002 to more than 45,000 in 2017. D

Top Four Mistakes Raleigh Business Owners Make When Selling Their Business

Top Four Mistakes Raleigh Business Owners Make When Selling Their Business

TOP FOUR MISTAKES BUSINESS OWNERS MAKE WHEN TRANSITIONING A BUSINESS The following article first appeared in the April 2016 edition of Wealth Planning Update, published by Wells Fargo Bank.  We think it is worth reprinting for our readers. At some point, nearly every business owner faces a business transition. As the business often represents the single largest asset on many owners&

6 Reasons Why You Should Franchise Your Raleigh Business

6 Reasons Why You Should Franchise Your Raleigh Business

6 Reasons Why You Should Franchise Your Raleigh Business Many successful entrepreneurs have dreams of continued growth (additional personal income) and expansion. How can a successful business owner give additional time, finance, troubleshoot, keep his primary business profitable while adding two or ten or one hundred new locations? Your Business Story Every business has a story. A friend of mi

5 Principles Shaping Raleighs Business Starts

5 Principles Shaping Raleighs Business Starts

5 Principles Shaping Raleigh’s Business Starts  The Raleigh business market is thriving in proportion to entrepreneurs understanding of five profit-building principles. Not all businesses are created equally. For example, in the second quarter of 2014, 220,000 new businesses were started. Unfortunately, 205,000 businesses closed that same quarter. The simple point here is that there a

Mergers & Acquisitions In Raleigh

Mergers & Acquisitions In Raleigh

Mergers And Acquisitions $15.5 billion in business mergers and acquisitions transactions occurred in the Raleigh region in 2017. Raleigh businesses continue to attract regional, national and international business buyers. As a global leader in business acquisitions and divestitures, Transworld Business Advisors stands ready to help business owners with their confidential exit strategies. With $

The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Business

The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Business

The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Business       Steve Wright Ph.D   This article is written as the ultimate guide to buying a business in hopes of encouraging entrepreneurship while exploring many of the often overlooked possibilities and pitfalls of buying a business. America is built upon millions and millions of entrepreneurial stories of women and men just like yourse

The Risks Of Buying A Business In Raleigh, NC

The Risks Of Buying A Business In Raleigh, NC

The Risks Of Buying A Business In Raleigh, NC    We recently wrote an article for people looking for businesses for sale in the Raleigh, NC area. There were topics in that article that deserve a deeper dive that we will consider today, first being the advantages of buying a business or business ownership. Imagine Imagine for a moment that you are on the fence about buying a business

Selling A Raleigh Business? Don't Make This Mistake

Selling A Raleigh Business? Don't Make This Mistake

Selling A Raleigh Business? Don't Make This Mistake   My wife and I learned first hand of the difficulties associated with selling a business when my mother in law prepared to sell her thriving florist. After forty years of loving her work, her customers and her community it was time to finally retire. Coming to this decision was no simple task but the truth is – it was time. My wife

Businesses For Sale In Cary NC

Businesses For Sale In Cary NC

Are you looking to buy a business for sale in Cary, NC? Cary is the seventh largest municipality in NC located just Southwest of Raleigh. Cary’s low crime rate, great schools, and growth make it a desired place to live. Each year Cary is ranked as one of the safest areas in the country to live. Approximately, 162,000 individuals call Cary home. In 2013, Cary was called one of America’

Sell A Business In Raleigh

Sell A Business In Raleigh

Sell A Business In Raleigh   An estimated 4,500 individuals are looking to sell a business in Raleigh, NC each year. Researchers estimate that over 10 TRILLION DOLLARS in business assets will be transferred by 2025 as baby-boomers look to retire. The largest transition of business ownership in the history of the world is now upon us as boomers retire and younger generations abandon traditio

Buy A Business In Raleigh?

Buy A Business In Raleigh?

Buy A Business In Raleigh?   Considering one of the businesses for sale in Raleigh? Businesses for sale in Raleigh are growing in consideration for the incredible number of people moving to The Triangle each year. The ability to work, but without the hassle of someone telling you what to do is becoming more enticing to many. The thing is, finding a well-paying job that allows you to naviga

Wanting To Buy A Raleigh Business

Wanting To Buy A Raleigh Business

Wanting To Buy A Raleigh Business   There has never been a better time to buy a business in Raleigh, NC. Baby Boomers that own close to 60% of all US small businesses are now looking to retire and their incredible businesses are heading to the market. Baby Boomers (about 70,000,000 of them) are poised to make a great impact on the American business ownership landscape. More than 70% of the

Nine Steps To Buying A Raleigh Business

 Nine Steps To Buying A Raleigh Business

  Nine Steps To Buying A Raleigh Business   What are the steps to buying a business? Remember this, REMEMBER THIS – Once you have bought the business, it’s yours. It’s always better to do the hard work of due diligence on the front end rather than the hassle of correcting issues from a troubled business that you’ve already purchased. Remember these nine steps t

Restaurants For Sale in Raleigh NC

Restaurants For Sale in Raleigh NC

Restaurants For Sale in Raleigh NC With the restaurant industry’s steady growth throughout Raleigh over the last several years, buying an existing restaurant may be a good option for many who would like to own their own business. Restaurants in the US will report $799 billion dollars in sales in 2017. The restaurant industry provides 14.7 million jobs this each year and makes up about 10%

Buy A Business In Raleigh NC

Buy A Business In Raleigh NC

Buy A Business in Raleigh, NC. Wanting to buy a business in Raleigh? Research might just back up the fact that you are making a wise decision. Buying a business in Raleigh rather than starting a business from scratch helps entrepreneurs reduce risks, create instant income and take advantage of a loyal customer base. It is believed that there are 15 prospective buyers on the market for everyone b

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40 - Business Brokerage

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40 - Business Brokerage

Congrats to Transworld Business Advisors on your 40th birthday. In 40 years Transworld has become the largest business brokerage in the world. TWA has 3.5 billion dollars in active business inventory with offices in 16 different countries. Daily, young entrepreneurs move into the Raleigh market to live and work. Many of these are tired of the corporate rat-race and they have business owne

Raleigh Businesses For Sale

Raleigh Businesses For Sale

Raleigh Business For Sale Looking to buy businesses for sale in Raleigh, NC? Buying a local business is becoming more of a reliable employment strategy as many families are wanting to relocate to Raleigh to live. has ranked Raleigh’s small business vitality as the third strongest in America. The small business for sale in Raleigh, NC are about as safe of a bet as one can make