Listing Number: 52661-931356
Happy Customers, Excellent Food, Huge
Growth Potential!
Attention: Owner-Operators!! If you can work regular hours, you can grow this business!!
Current Owner is literally turning business away, as he has another full-time obligation. He has been asked repeatedly to cater, the shop cannot open early, and the drive-thru window is closed. All because the current owner is not able to devote the time needed.
This business is ready to pop!! It just needs you!!
As an owner-operator, you can enjoy running this business where your creativity can flourish! From Sandwiches, to Baked Goods, to Fine Wines and more, this Coffee Joint has some serious Taste! The equipment is in great shape and the location is busy, busy, busy!
The restaurant is already very popular and has a fun atmosphere with an extremely loyal customer base. You will love the menu and the people so much, you may even forget you own the place!
Bring all offers! Call Eli Tatem for more information.
Listing Details
- Price: € 129,000
- Down Payment: €75,000
- Sellers Discretionary Earnings: € 0
- Total Sales: € 250,000
- Location: Spartanburg County, South Carolina
- Inventory: € 4,000
- FF&E: € 40,000
- Employees: 4
- Year Established: 2016
- Reason for Selling: Other Business Opportunity
- Category: Food Business Retail